drumstick 2.10.0
C++ MIDI libraries using Qt objects, idioms, and style.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CBackendManagerManages lists of dynamic and static backends for applications based on drumstick-rt
 CClientInfoClient information
 CexceptionProvides consistent interface to handle errors
 CSequencerErrorException class for ALSA Sequencer errors
 CPianoPaletteThe PianoPalette class
 CPoolInfoSequencer Pool information
 CPortInfoPort information container
 CQDesignerCustomWidgetInterfaceEnables Qt Designer to access and construct custom widgets
 CQEventBase class of all event classes
 CSequencerEventBase class for the event's hierarchy
 CChannelEventBase class for the events having a Channel property
 CChanPressEventEvent representing a MIDI channel pressure or after-touch event
 CControllerEventEvent representing a MIDI control change event
 CKeyEventBase class for the events having Key and Velocity properties
 CKeyPressEventEvent representing a MIDI key pressure, or polyphonic after-touch event
 CNoteEventClass representing a note event with duration
 CNoteOffEventEvent representing a note-off MIDI event
 CNoteOnEventEvent representing a note-on MIDI event
 CPitchBendEventEvent representing a MIDI bender, or pitch wheel event
 CProgramChangeEventEvent representing a MIDI program change event
 CClientEventALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer client on the system
 CPortEventALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer port on the system
 CQueueControlEventALSA Event representing a queue control command
 CTempoEventALSA Event representing a tempo change for an ALSA queue
 CSubscriptionEventALSA Event representing a subscription between two ALSA clients and ports
 CSystemEventGeneric event
 CValueEventGeneric event having a value property
 CVariableEventBase class for variable length events
 CSysExEventEvent representing a MIDI system exclusive event
 CTextEventEvent representing a SMF text event
 CQGraphicsSceneSurface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
 CPianoSceneQGraphicsScene composed by a number of graphics items: the piano keys
 CQGraphicsViewWidget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
 CPianoKeybdThe PianoKeybd class
 CQObjectBase class of all Qt objects
 CMidiClientClient management
 CMidiCodecAuxiliary class to translate between raw MIDI streams and ALSA events
 CMidiPortPort management
 CMidiQueueQueue management
 CTimerALSA Timer management
 CQSmfStandard MIDI Files input/output
 CQWrkCakewalk WRK file format (input only)
 CRmidiRIFF MIDI file format (input only)
 CMIDIInputMIDI IN interface
 CMIDIOutputMIDI OUT interface
 CQSettingsPersistent platform-independent application settings
 CQThreadPlatform-independent threads
 CMidiClient::SequencerInputThreadThis class manages event input from the ALSA sequencer
 CSequencerOutputThreadSequence player auxiliary class
 CQueueInfoQueue information container
 CQueueStatusQueue status container
 CQueueTempoQueue tempo container
 CQueueTimerQueue timer container
 CPianoKeybdThe PianoKeybd class
 CRemoveEventsAuxiliary class to remove events from an ALSA queue
 CSequencerEventHandlerSequencer events handler
 CSettingsFactoryHolds a global QSettings object
 CSubscriberSubscriber container class
 CSubscriptionSubscription management
 CSystemInfoSystem information
 CTimerEventHandlerALSA Timer events handler
 CTimerGlobalInfoGlobal timer information container
 CTimerIdALSA Timer identifier container
 CTimerInfoALSA Timer information container
 CTimerParamsALSA Timer parameters container
 CTimerQueryALSA Timer inquiry helper
 CTimerStatusALSA Timer status container