drumstick 2.10.0
C++ MIDI libraries using Qt objects, idioms, and style.
drumstick::ALSA Namespace Reference

Drumstick ALSA library wrapper. More...


class  ChannelEvent
 Base class for the events having a Channel property. More...
class  ChanPressEvent
 Event representing a MIDI channel pressure or after-touch event. More...
class  ClientEvent
 ALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer client on the system. More...
class  ClientInfo
 Client information. More...
class  ControllerEvent
 Event representing a MIDI control change event. More...
class  KeyEvent
 Base class for the events having Key and Velocity properties. More...
class  KeyPressEvent
 Event representing a MIDI key pressure, or polyphonic after-touch event. More...
class  MidiClient
 Client management. More...
class  MidiCodec
 Auxiliary class to translate between raw MIDI streams and ALSA events. More...
class  MidiPort
 Port management. More...
class  MidiQueue
 Queue management. More...
class  NoteEvent
 Class representing a note event with duration. More...
class  NoteOffEvent
 Event representing a note-off MIDI event. More...
class  NoteOnEvent
 Event representing a note-on MIDI event. More...
class  PitchBendEvent
 Event representing a MIDI bender, or pitch wheel event. More...
class  PoolInfo
 Sequencer Pool information. More...
class  PortEvent
 ALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer port on the system. More...
class  PortInfo
 Port information container. More...
class  ProgramChangeEvent
 Event representing a MIDI program change event. More...
class  QueueControlEvent
 ALSA Event representing a queue control command. More...
class  QueueInfo
 Queue information container. More...
class  QueueStatus
 Queue status container. More...
class  QueueTempo
 Queue tempo container. More...
class  QueueTimer
 Queue timer container. More...
class  RemoveEvents
 Auxiliary class to remove events from an ALSA queue. More...
class  SequencerError
 Exception class for ALSA Sequencer errors. More...
class  SequencerEvent
 Base class for the event's hierarchy. More...
class  SequencerEventHandler
 Sequencer events handler. More...
class  SequencerOutputThread
 Sequence player auxiliary class. More...
class  Subscriber
 Subscriber container class. More...
class  Subscription
 Subscription management. More...
class  SubscriptionEvent
 ALSA Event representing a subscription between two ALSA clients and ports. More...
class  SysExEvent
 Event representing a MIDI system exclusive event. More...
class  SystemEvent
 Generic event. More...
class  SystemInfo
 System information. More...
class  TempoEvent
 ALSA Event representing a tempo change for an ALSA queue. More...
class  TextEvent
 Event representing a SMF text event. More...
class  Timer
 ALSA Timer management. More...
class  TimerEventHandler
 ALSA Timer events handler. More...
class  TimerGlobalInfo
 Global timer information container. More...
class  TimerId
 ALSA Timer identifier container. More...
class  TimerInfo
 ALSA Timer information container. More...
class  TimerParams
 ALSA Timer parameters container. More...
class  TimerQuery
 ALSA Timer inquiry helper. More...
class  TimerStatus
 ALSA Timer status container. More...
class  ValueEvent
 Generic event having a value property. More...
class  VariableEvent
 Base class for variable length events. More...


typedef QList< ClientInfoClientInfoList
 List of sequencer client information.
typedef quint8 MidiByte
 8-bit unsigned number to be used as a MIDI message parameter
typedef QList< PortInfoPortInfoList
 List of port information objects.
typedef QList< MidiPort * > MidiPortList
 List of Ports instances.
typedef QList< TimerIdTimerIdList
 List of timer identifiers.
typedef QList< SubscriptionSubscriptionsList
 List of subscriptions.
typedef QList< SubscriberSubscribersList
 List of subscribers.


QString getRuntimeALSADriverVersion ()
 Gets the runtime ALSA drivers version string. More...
int getRuntimeALSADriverNumber ()
 Gets the runtime ALSA drivers version number. More...
QString getCompiledALSALibraryVersion ()
 ALSA library version at build time. More...
QString getDrumstickLibraryVersion ()
 getDrumstickLibraryVersion provides the Drumstick version as an edited QString More...
QString typeOfEvent (const SequencerEvent &v)
 typeOfEvent returns a QString representing the type of the event More...
QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const SequencerEvent &event)
 operator << outputs a SequencerEvent instance reference to a QDebug stream More...
QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const SequencerEvent *event)
 operator << outputs a SequencerEvent instance pointer to a QDebug stream More...
int checkErrorAndThrow (int rc, const char *where)
 Checks the error code for severe errors. More...
int checkWarning (int rc, const char *where)
 Check the error code for warning errors. More...


const unsigned int SKEW_BASE = 0x10000
 This is the value for the base skew used in ALSA. More...
const QEvent::Type SequencerEventType = QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + 4154)
 Constant SequencerEventType is the QEvent::type() of any SequencerEvent object to be used to check the argument in QObject::customEvent().

Detailed Description

Drumstick ALSA library wrapper.

Variable Documentation


const unsigned int SKEW_BASE = 0x10000

This is the value for the base skew used in ALSA.

It is not possible to assign an arbitrary value (ALSA version <= 1.0.20).

Definition at line 38 of file alsaqueue.cpp.

Referenced by QueueTempo::getRealBPM(), and QueueTempo::setTempoFactor().