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drumstick 2.10.0
C++ MIDI libraries using Qt objects, idioms, and style.
▼Ndrumstick | Drumstick common |
▼NALSA | Drumstick ALSA library wrapper |
CChannelEvent | Base class for the events having a Channel property |
CChanPressEvent | Event representing a MIDI channel pressure or after-touch event |
CClientEvent | ALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer client on the system |
CClientInfo | Client information |
CControllerEvent | Event representing a MIDI control change event |
CKeyEvent | Base class for the events having Key and Velocity properties |
CKeyPressEvent | Event representing a MIDI key pressure, or polyphonic after-touch event |
▼CMidiClient | Client management |
CSequencerInputThread | This class manages event input from the ALSA sequencer |
CMidiCodec | Auxiliary class to translate between raw MIDI streams and ALSA events |
CMidiPort | Port management |
CMidiQueue | Queue management |
CNoteEvent | Class representing a note event with duration |
CNoteOffEvent | Event representing a note-off MIDI event |
CNoteOnEvent | Event representing a note-on MIDI event |
CPitchBendEvent | Event representing a MIDI bender, or pitch wheel event |
CPoolInfo | Sequencer Pool information |
CPortEvent | ALSA Event representing a change on some ALSA sequencer port on the system |
CPortInfo | Port information container |
CProgramChangeEvent | Event representing a MIDI program change event |
CQueueControlEvent | ALSA Event representing a queue control command |
CQueueInfo | Queue information container |
CQueueStatus | Queue status container |
CQueueTempo | Queue tempo container |
CQueueTimer | Queue timer container |
CRemoveEvents | Auxiliary class to remove events from an ALSA queue |
CSequencerError | Exception class for ALSA Sequencer errors |
CSequencerEvent | Base class for the event's hierarchy |
CSequencerEventHandler | Sequencer events handler |
CSequencerOutputThread | Sequence player auxiliary class |
CSubscriber | Subscriber container class |
CSubscription | Subscription management |
CSubscriptionEvent | ALSA Event representing a subscription between two ALSA clients and ports |
CSysExEvent | Event representing a MIDI system exclusive event |
CSystemEvent | Generic event |
CSystemInfo | System information |
CTempoEvent | ALSA Event representing a tempo change for an ALSA queue |
CTextEvent | Event representing a SMF text event |
CTimer | ALSA Timer management |
CTimerEventHandler | ALSA Timer events handler |
CTimerGlobalInfo | Global timer information container |
CTimerId | ALSA Timer identifier container |
CTimerInfo | ALSA Timer information container |
CTimerParams | ALSA Timer parameters container |
CTimerQuery | ALSA Timer inquiry helper |
CTimerStatus | ALSA Timer status container |
CValueEvent | Generic event having a value property |
CVariableEvent | Base class for variable length events |
▼NFile | Drumstick File library |
CQSmf | Standard MIDI Files input/output |
CQWrk | Cakewalk WRK file format (input only) |
CRmidi | RIFF MIDI file format (input only) |
▼Nrt | Drumstick Real-Time library |
CBackendManager | Manages lists of dynamic and static backends for applications based on drumstick-rt |
CMIDIInput | MIDI IN interface |
CMIDIOutput | MIDI OUT interface |
▼Nwidgets | Drumstick Widgets library MIDI related widgets and functions |
CPianoHandler | Callbacks |
CPianoKeybd | The PianoKeybd class |
CPianoPalette | The PianoPalette class |
CPianoScene | QGraphicsScene composed by a number of graphics items: the piano keys |
CRawKbdHandler | Callbacks |
CSettingsFactory | Holds a global QSettings object |
Nstd | C++ Standard Library namespace |