drumstick 2.10.0
C++ MIDI libraries using Qt objects, idioms, and style.
alsaclient.cpp File Reference

Implementation of classes managing ALSA Sequencer clients. More...

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QMetaMethod>
#include <QReadLocker>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QThread>
#include <QWriteLocker>
#include <drumstick/alsaclient.h>
#include <drumstick/alsaevent.h>
#include <drumstick/alsaqueue.h>
#include "errorcheck.h"
#include <pthread.h>
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class  MidiClient::SequencerInputThread
 This class manages event input from the ALSA sequencer. More...


namespace  drumstick
 Drumstick common.
namespace  drumstick::ALSA
 Drumstick ALSA library wrapper.


QString getRuntimeALSADriverVersion ()
 Gets the runtime ALSA drivers version string. More...
int getRuntimeALSADriverNumber ()
 Gets the runtime ALSA drivers version number. More...
QString getCompiledALSALibraryVersion ()
 ALSA library version at build time. More...
QString getDrumstickLibraryVersion ()
 getDrumstickLibraryVersion provides the Drumstick version as an edited QString More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of classes managing ALSA Sequencer clients.

Definition in file alsaclient.cpp.